澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-11-12(在线收听

 The prime minister Malcholm Turnbull heads to Indonesia today to meet president Chakol O. It's to be the first meeting between the leaders from both countries since the execution of Bali 9 drug traffickers Andrew Chen and Maruyan Sukumaran. Mr. Turnbull's trip will see him visit five countries over the next eleven days. The Labor Party has approached former Sydney Swan Star Adam Goods to run for parliament. The ABC has confirmed Northern Territary Senator Nova Paris urged Goods to consider a current politics during a meeting earlier this year. The federal opposition looked aside to back controversial counter-terror laws stripping duel-nationals of citizenship if convicted of terrorist offence. Labor sources have told ABC they have no significant issues with the bill, which will be debated in Parliament today. Australia's short-film festival Tropface has been cancelled becaused of financial problems. Founder and director John Paulson announced last night this year's festival will not go ahead. In a statement he says it seems there has been a terrible and irresponsible mismanagement of funds. A group of seven men from New Zealand has been transferred to a maximum security prison in Perth after riots at the Christmas Island Detention Center. The government says the men are exreme risk individuals, who are alledged to being involved in the disturbance. And Prince Charles and the Duchess of Co. will continue their route to Sydney today. The royal couple will visit a mountain police unit under full charity Ausharvest before a public event in Maton Place in the city at lunch time. 
