美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-11-17(在线收听

 1. The White House says the air strikes against the man called "Jihadi John" shows evidence that U.S is making progress in the campaign targeted top level of Islamic State leaders. The White House, though, can't confirm whether the strike killed Jihadi. 

2. Home video surveillance camera caught images the man who investigators believed broke into an Indianapolis home, and fatally shot a pastor's pregnant wife. Amanda Blackburn was shot at the head Tuesday morning and died the next day. 
3. A dramatic scene on a ice floor in Russia. Two young boys rescued after the icy river they were walking on broke off, and floated away from a river bank. 
4. And what's this YO/OY? Built from Manhattan, it says YO. Built from Auckland, OY. The sculpturer is work artist Deborah Kass. 
I'm Matt Friedman, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.