

  Benedict Cumberbatch has been made a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire)by the Queen at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace. The Sherlock star is being honoured for his work as an actor and his charitable efforts.
  Speaking to the BBC, he said: "It's fantastic, it's quite nerve-wracking, there is nothing really that prepares you for it.”
  英国的荣誉头衔大英帝国勋章(Order of the British Empire)根据头衔级别的高低排列,分别是骑士(GBE,爵级大十字勋章),其称呼为“爵士”或“女爵”;其次是爵士司令勋章(男性为KBE,女性为DBE);再次是CBE(司令勋章)、OBE(官佐勋章)和MBE(员佐勋章)。卷福授勋的就是CBE,只有获得前爵级勋章的人才能在自己的名字前加上“Sir/Dame”头衔,看来卷福离Sir BC称号并不远嘛~