
 The Syrian conflict has raged for nearly five years, killing around a quarter of a million people.

Throughout the path to peace has been cracked and cratered by the differing opinions of other countries.
Now, a new agreement, aimed at paving the way to peace talks next year.
The United Nations Security Council unanimously voted on a draft resolution that calls on the UN to bring the Syria government and the opposition to the negotiating table by the end of January.
Here's UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
But this agreement almost didn't happen. Ahead of the Council meeting, the foreign ministers of 17 countries met to try and agree the wording of the resolution. Haggling ensued.
Among the issues of contention - what to do with Syria's President Bashar al-Assad.
Russia has long held the view he should stay. The US wants him gone.
But meetings between the two countries in Moscow earlier this week saw a further softening of stance.
Russia and America seeming to agree he can remain for a transitional period before stepping aside.
Another issue that needed resolving - who to invite to the peace talks.
Each country had differing views, some feeling that certain opposition members should be label "terrorists" and excluded for January's discussions.
But an agreement was reached that allowed for this UN resolution which calls for peace talks along with a nationwide ceasefire - something China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said must go together.
"The two most important issues are the launch of a political negotiation and a ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. They are the most pressing issues and they are interrelated. We cannot have a peace process without a ceasefire; and without a ceasefire peace talks cannot continue to produce results."
Now, the two-year road map begins, with peace talks, a unity government and eventual elections.
And the hope that the Syrian government and opposition groups to work together to jointly defeat the other crisis facing their country: the Islamic State.
For CRI, I'm Nick Harper in New York.