【英语早间课堂】Lesson One(进阶篇)(在线收听

Lesson One 进阶篇【序言】
各位亲爱的听众朋友,这里是可可之声每日一句口语课堂。我是Juliet。清脆的鸟鸣,徐徐的晨风,柔和的晨光,摇曳的绿叶,多美好的清晨呀!带上您一份美好的心情进入今天的7点档口语课堂——Lesson One 进阶篇,开始您美好而充实的一天的生活。
在昨天美丽的清晨,我们学习了一个短语:blow somebody off或者是blow off somebody(备注:如果是人称代词,就不能用这个结构,只能用blow somebody off这个结构。)【主题的拓展表达法】
1 take no notice of 不理会,不注意,置之不理She takes no notice of him and continues to write as rapidly as she can. 她不理睬他,继续在尽快地写。
Don't take notice of his letters, they are nothing but hot air.
2 turn a cold shoulder on 对某人冷淡,不理睬Does Miss Linton turn a cold shoulder on him? Linton 小姐是不是对他不理睬呢?
3 cut somebody dead 假装没看见某人,不理睬某人I've met Bobby walking with his mother, and he cut me dead. 我碰见博比和他妈一起走过,他不理睬我。
She cut me dead in the street the other day.
4 shut one's ears toI begged her for help but she shut her ears to all my appeals. 我恳求她帮忙, 但她完全不理睬我的请求.
5 close one's ears to We closed our ears to their complaints. 我们不理睬他们的牢骚。
6 pay no attention to / without paying attention to Pay no attention to him, he's hectoring upon you.
He breezed out without paying attention to anyone. 他飘然而去,对谁也不理睬。

