事实:城墙的保护屏障-Ramparts Are Protective Barriers(在线收听

 Pre-Listening Vocabulary

  • rampart: a protective barrier; a fortification
  • spangled: filled with sparkling objects
  • national anthem: a country’s official song; used at special events and ceremonies
  • bombardment: attack
  • fortify: to build up and provide protection
  • embankment: a raised wall or mound to protect from flooding

Ramparts Are Protective BarriersWhen you sing or listen to the Star Spangled Banner, do you understand the words? The national anthem of the United States of America was inspired by the Battle of Baltimore at Fort McHenry in 1814. The lyrics suggest that the stars and stripes of the US flag can be seen over the ramparts despite the bombardment of the British warships. Ramparts are fortified walls or other protective barriers that go around a fort or castle. Ramparts are built of stone, wood, or earth. Embankments that protect water from reaching a building or city are also ramparts.

The Star Spangled Banner is the national anthem of the United States of America.
The anthem contains the word ramparts because it is about a battle. A battle is going on, but the US flag can be seen symbolically waving above the protective barriers.
A child might make ramparts in the sand to go around a sand castle. This could protect the castle from the water (or from an invasion).