英语听力:Beethoven 贝多芬 - 17(在线收听

 Money was also the motivation for writing the late string quartets. Prince Gelatin Commission Wattznard regarded it as the greatest music Beethoven ever wrote. To many contemporaries, this strange music was a definite proof that the composer had lost his sanity.

This case, for example, when he writes something which nobody really knows what he means, he says player and note with a sort of emotion on it. And I’m playing note. The second time you know, that’s swing. Because he puts us to play two notes together, one after the other, without separating them. So it’s very. Nobody really knows what he means for the idea by this sort of as it was his hope.
Beethoven had finally won the long battle for custody of his nephew Karl. In 1826, at the age of 19, Karl became desperate to break the bond with his uncle.
Beethoven became somewhat obsessed with Karl’s sexuality. But then again, think about it at the time, there were no effective cures for syphilis or gonorrhea. So one false move much like AIDS today, and that can be the end of your life , and in fact he would contract with syphilis and die within a very few years after having it. So Beethoven was obsessed about sort of keeping Karl alive, and making sure that he didn’t sort of fall into his traps. But the result, the end result was that Karl tried to commit suicide. And he went up into the hills of the Herlene Valley, which was one of Beethoven’s favorite places to compose ,and went up to this room and he went to the very particular spot that he must had gone with Beethoven several times, and shot himself in the head. For this was one missed and one graze to skull. He was not coy about saying why he did it when the police came. He said “Beethoven drove me to death.” So he had a tremendous influence on Beethoven when the year before Beethoven died, actually.