澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-12-28(在线收听

 Good top stories from ABC news. Emergency crews say call conditions today will help them get on top of hot spots remaining on a fire in Victoria Surf coast that destroyed more than one hundred homes on Christmas day. Authorities say Noughtyet House is wild revert in 18 neighbouring and  seperation crick lost in the fire that's burned 2,200 hecktacres.                                                      

Emergency services in northern territory will continue their search for 28 year-old man who were swap away by thunder water on Christmas Day. Meanwhile, about 200 more people will be evacuated from the community the day the river in the top end today due  to  a major flood, 
US' youngest rambler is holding  at Sydney's holdbar followed closely by a weather damaged favorite Comanchy, 15 yards including the defending line  inclulding its champion wild over 11,had been forced to pull out after a wild night's weather. And centuries from Jobens, Wusmencowaqui has put Australia in incredible strong position after the opening day of second test against west indeed of second day sending Dubi and Cowaqui repay  a selected faith and build a double century stand.  that's human 3 for 300 and 45