澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-01-21(在线收听

 There's been heavy falls on world markets overnight causing pain for investors in US oil major markets are deep in the red heading towards the end of day's trade. They have been sharpen falls in Europe but Anowas says there is no need for people to panic.

"Look our view is this isn't a potent to significant downturn, this is the market correcting to some degree."
The death toll from the attack on Pakistan university has risen to at least 20, and dozens have been injured. Four militay on AK47 and * also died in the free hour battle at B*S* university. 
And in Afghanistan capital, Kabul, a suicide bomb struck near Russian Embassy killing 7 people. Powerful bomb was heard across the city. It's not clear the Embassy was the intended target.
Conditions in Tasmania were set to worsen today as more than 70 fires has burned across state. Winsery is expected to pick up along with very dry conditions and higher unusual temperatures. a fire light * in a great *  has been cause most concern with ash fallen on some nearby towns. 
A * has ban from rising after Ban felt guilty of killing dolphin with the appeal against this ban later today. Yesterday Daniel Brain will ban for three years and four years respectively.