【一起闲话英语】你最喜欢的小器械-Favorite Gadget(在线收听

Aki / Japan
speaker My favorite gadget's the computer. I can't live without Internet or e-mailing or skyping. I always talk with my friends over Skype, domestic and international. I also always do a lot of Internet shopping. I love shopping on amazon.com
Lindsay / United States
speaker My favorite gadget is the cell phone. I really like being able to contact my friends at anytime I want to and I use it so often as a dictionary or to talk to my friends or to e-mail my friends or even to take pictures.
Shalini / Canada
speaker To tell you the the truth, I'm not much of a gadget person, however this little eight gigabyte hard-drive thing that I have here has really come in handy. It's thin and light and saves all my documents.
Lori / Canada
speaker I'm not really all that fond of electronic gadgets but I guess the only one I use regularly now is my cellphone in Japan. When I first got my cell phone, I was really excited because it's years ahead in technology from what we have in Canada so that's really the only gadget that I use right now.
Tom / United States
speaker I really love this electric hotpot I have. When I get home, I fill it full of water. I plug it in. I throw in some tea and I already have relaxed.
Jeff / Canada
speaker My favorite gadget is a handheld game system that I just got, but I didn't buy it for the games. I bought it for the software you can get that turns it into an electronic dictionary and it actually recognizes you handwritings so you can write on the screen and look up words, that way. It's really fun.