

The London-based developer, Starship Technologies, said the machine is practical, safe and environmentally friendly.

总部位于伦敦的研发公司Starship Technologies 表示他们研发的机器人集实用、安全、环保于一身。

You place an order online,as you do right now, but instead of getting the delivery by somebody coming up to your door, and knocking on your door, you would get it by a robot.”


The electric rover can only travel for 5 kilometers. Moving at 6.5 kilometers per hour, and from a local hub or retail outlet it can complete deliveries within a half hour. Customers use a mobile app to decide when they want a delivery to arrive.


"You call up the delivery using your smartphone. And then the robot gets loaded with your parcel in our hub, and it drives to your doorstep.”


Customer can also track the robot and unlock the compartment. A lot of thought has been put into protecting the android from thievery.


“The robot has nine cameras and it's constantly connected to the Internet. It has GPS. There's an operator who can actually talk to the people around the robot, so there's this loudspeaker and microphone in the robot.”

