

Migrants had been pouring into Europe for months,but these images of a drowned Syrian boy on a Turkish beach in September shocked the world and drew Western sympathy for those fleeing a worsening conflict in Syria.


A gap in the fence between Serbia and Hungary saw a thousand cross on a single day.


Hungary, overwhelmed, put up a raze wire fence in October to close its border.In Austria, the gate wait western Europe, trains arriving from Hungary were met by applause.


Young Austrian women welcomed the migrants and refugees with candies and cigarettes.This woman said Europe could not turn away these people,and said questions about culture and assimilation are another discussion, for another time.


“I really do not know what the bigger picture is,but right now, it’s take care of the people, give them food, give them drink, give them shelter,and let them pass through.”


Budapest’s main train station was the focal point to be influx.Most there said their final destination was Germany or Sweden,where generous public assistance programs promised them a future.


“Germany helps people,if they need to study,if they need to make a new life.”


But signs of strain came quickly for Europe.Sweden introduce border controls.


“The situation is untenable.It is clear the migration politics in the EU need to be completely reviewed.”


Skepticism grew even more after the terrorist attacks in Paris.Two of the attackers had traveled to Europe undetected, posing as refugees.


Germany’s leader welcomed the migrants earlier,but that change by years end.


“We want to and we will reduce the number of refugees. ”



2015 ended with discussions on beefing up borders,but Europe has no comprehensive plan on dealing with this tide of humanity,a phenomenon that leaders say it’s a test for the region.

