
   Want to know how to craft a great zinger? study the presidential debates.

  We've all had this experience: You're in a debate or a discussion. You're at a loss for words. And of course, after it's all over, you think of exactly the right thing to have said.
  I hate that feeling, but do you want to know who really hates it? Politicians.
  Rhetoric and words are almost all that they have. Now that we're in the middle of the presidential campaign season, with caucuses and primaries about to happen, and one debate after another after another, that gives them an opportunity.
  Almost no political zinger is spontaneous. Consultants have spent millions trying to craft the right lines. And if you study the debates and the candidates' verbal tactics, you can find some great lessons--even blueprints--for using rhetoric to upend your adversary's position.
  Here are five examples--from both Democrats and Republicans.
  1.The dismissive counterpunch.
  Let's start with the kind of one-punch knockout that can really end an opponent's chances. The trick here to know the kind of opportunity you're looking for and be ready. Two great examples:
  First, an example from this cycle--the way Donald Trump very effectively sidelined Jeb Bush by repeatedly describing him as "low energy." When Bush came out with guns blazing in one debate, Trump was able to put him off effectively simply by saying, "More energy tonight--I love that!"第一个,是这个时代的例子——特朗普先生有效打击了杰布·布什的势头,靠的是反复称其“蔫头耷脑”。当布什在一次辩论中大放异彩时,特朗普致以暴击称:“啊哈,终于活过来了,我喜欢!”
  Second, a more classic example. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter was running against Ronald Reagan, and Carter had used the same effective line of attack against Reagan--perhaps one too many times.
  Reagan was able to use a little verbal jiujitsu to turn the whole thing around on him in a debate. Instead of engaging, he simply dismissed Carter's line by chuckling: "Well, there you go again."里根本可以使用适度的“言语柔道术”来扭转乾坤。但是相比针尖儿对麦芒,里根选择了简单一句话来打趣卡特:“呦呦,继续你的老生常谈吧。”
  2.The cool cultural reference.
  This one is really hard to pull off. It's about working a cultural reference into your reply to an opponent's rhetorical dig. It can easily backfire--but if you do it effectively, you're in great shape.
  Cultural references evolve so quickly, it's hard to recall some of these accurately, but here are two good examples.
  The first comes from 2012, when President Obama and Mitt Romney were squaring off. Obama wanted to take Romney to task for having suggested that Russia was the biggest foreign challenge facing the United States--not ISIS or another Middle Eastern foe.
  His line? "The 1980s are calling to ask for their foreign policy back."It worked--but not perfectly--in part, perhaps, because Obama didn't get the cultural put-down exactly right (and maybe because by 2012, that was already kind of a cliché.)原话怎么讲?“像仍活在上世纪八十年代一样,想用回20多年前的对外政策老套路。”这句话奏效了——但是说得并不完美——因为从某种程度上来说他的话曲解了罗姆尼的本意(也许是已经2012年了,这样说真的是陈词滥调)A better example might come from 1984, in the Democratic primaries, when eventual nominee Walter Mondale suggested his rival Gary Hart didn't have any substance by quoting a Wendy's fast food commercial that was popular at the time: "Where's the beef?"1984这一年民主党核心会议中,有个更好的例子。最终人选沃尔特指责对手哈特没有实力时,引用了一句美国快餐公司万迪的著名广告语:“那么牛肉在哪儿呢?”(指对手的真正实力根本不像看起来那么大)3.The nod to truth.
  Sometimes, the facts are on your side to the point that you can score simply by getting out of the way.
  A good example? Then-candidate Obama, in 2008, responding to a line of questioning about Hillary Clinton's "likability" by telling her she was "likable enough."举个生动的例子?08年总统大选时,作为竞选者的奥巴马在回应关于希拉里是否够受大众喜爱时简单回应道:“她超可爱的。”
  Perhaps the best came from the year 2000, when Vice-President Al Gore walked across the stage and sort of "got into the space" of Republican nominee George W. Bush.
  Bush interrupted his remarks just for a brief second, to nod in Gore's direction--as if to point out how weird it was that Gore had walked over. He didn't even have to say anything, but he made his point very clear.
  4.The elephant in the room.
  Sometimes there's another way to handle an obvious truth--and that's to say it in a manner that is so clear and obvious that there simply is no real response.
  Example: In 1988, Dan Quayle was running for vice-president, and in a debate with the Democratic nominee, Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Quayle made the point that he had as much experience as John Kennedy had when he'd run for president in 1960.
  Maybe you weren't even born in 1988, but you might know Bentsen's response--which pretty much solidified the mainstream opinion of Quayle:
  "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."“我亲爱的参议员,我曾效力于肯尼迪总统。我了解他。肯尼迪总统是我的朋友。不过,你永远不可能成为肯尼迪。”
  5.The table-turn.
  Similarly, sometimes you can take your opponent's exact words and use them to turn everything against him or her.
  As an example, in the Republican debates earlier this year, Jeb Bush started attacking Senator Marco Rubio for having missed votes in the senate while he was campaigning. I'm not sure if this was ever going to be effective, but Rubio knocked him back and disarmed the attack simply by observing, "Someone convinced you attacking me is going to help you."一个例子是,今年度共和党内部辩论中,杰布布什攻击对手马克卢比奥称其在竞选时错过参与议院内投票。我不知道卢比奥的举措是否奏效,不过他的反应时是报以回击称“你这样做是因为自认为攻击我对你的竞选有利。”(我不会通过攻击任何人来赢得竞选)The most classic example is probably from 1984, when Reagan was running for reelection at age 73. When this was brought up in a debate, he almost seemed to have misunderstood the question in his remark--but it was a genius response:
  "I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience," Reagan said.
  How effective was it? He even left his opponent, Walter Mondale, laughing--and beat him in a landslide.