公众人物毕业演讲 第207期:杰雷诺2014爱默生学院(5)(在线收听

   So I go over there and this guy says

  I said yeah, I want to be a comedian
  我跟他说 我想当一名喜剧演员
  I said, I've been trying to do it for about a year我说我尝试一年了
  He said, a year, you're supposed to be if you join the union in three months他说 一年 入协会三个月就行了
  I could find you right now, you could be a violation我可以马上破格加你
  I said, well, how much does it take to join我问 加入要多少钱
  He said, $300 I said, I don't have $300 and then他说 300美元 我说 我没有那么多钱 然后
  he said those magic words, how much you got他说了那些骗子常说的话 那你有多少
  You know, I knew I was making a mistake you know you just wanted to believe我当时就知道 这很有可能是骗局 我只是想给自己一些憧憬I just knew I was making a mistake, I just wanted to believe我知道自己错了 但还是希望这是真的
  So I gave him all the money that I have
  I said, I have $75.
  我说 我有75美元
  He said, oh, give me that.
  他说 好 给我吧
  Then he gives me his business card, there writes back on the business card, union man然后他就给我名片 背面写有协会成员
  He says, you show this card to any club
  他说 你可以把它出示给任何俱乐部
  I felt like cocoa and fame, remember that movie我感觉就像名扬四海中的科科 记得那部电影吗So I got this card that says union man
  and I go back to the nightclub and I handed it to the guy回到夜总会 给那里的人看
  and the guy breaks out laughing and he says we don't hire comedians, get lost夜总会的人忍不住大笑出来 他说 我们不招喜剧演员 走开Okay, now I'm stupid and broke
  这时 我不仅显得愚蠢 而且身无分文
  I used to drive to New York every single night我曾每晚都开车去纽约
  to try and get out the improv in New York City尝试在纽约市找到即兴演出机会
  At the time, that was the only place that featured unknown comedians当时 纽约是唯一让不知名的喜剧演员演出的地方That drive to New York every night or everyday after class rather每天下课 我都会驱车去纽约
  and I sleep in the alley a couple blocks from the improv我睡在离即兴演出地点一两个街区远的小巷子里It was the only dead end alley around
  So it was pretty quiet until midnight
  一直都很安静 直到午夜
  when the prostitutes who bring their customers there妓女们带着她们的客人回来
  and I'm sleeping, I'm like 50 feet away, I'm going我就睡在五十英尺外的地方 我心想
  really is this show business?
  This is what a college degree gets me?
  but my saving grace was Emerson College because no matter how awful gives were不过爱默生学院挽救了我 无论我的境况有多糟