
   An interesting question came up Saturday at the MIT Tech Conference on artificial intelligence: "Why are most 'serving' machines given female voices?"在周六的MIT科技会议关于人工智能的讨论中,冒出了一个有趣的问题:“为什么大多数‘服务’类设备输出的都是女性的声音?”

  Dennis Mortensen, CEO and founder of X.AI, was quick to bat down the implication of sexism.
  X.AI的创立者兼CEO Dennis Mortensen迅速化解了这带有性别歧视意味的问题。
  "There's been studies, and I don't have to defend it because I did Andrew, but in all fairness, there's been proper studies about how you best direct people ... if that voice is a female, you increase the probability of success," Mortensen said.
  Scientific studies have shown that people generally find women's voices more pleasing than men's.
  A more recent study about radio advertising concluded, that "the effectiveness of female voices is greater than male ones when the advertising aims to have an emotional link on a brand and the ad and when the advertiser's desired response is to modify or trigger a particular behavior."有一个最新的关于广播广告的研究总结出,“当广告的目的是为了和品牌建立一种情感联系,或者当投放人渴望的用户反馈是改变其行为或激起某种特定行为时,女性的声音比男性的声音更有效。”