
   Being married changes people. Some couples become closer and happier. Some become distant.

  The act of getting married’s easy. Staying married’s hard.
  Wisdom in marriage is hard-earned, in stride. Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.
  1. Marriage is constant work.
  Never stop dating. Always pay attention. Keep learning, sharing, laughing with your partner. Treat yourself well and treat your partner even better. Never neglect your looks or words or actions—or your thoughts. Keep working hard to be a better person, lover, partner, chef, bartender and caretaker, janitor and driver. Seek truth, not to be right.
  Make sure to listen carefully—the first time, every time. Just get stuff done ASAP, on time. Keep your mouth shut; don’t moan and complain. Be helpful, be encouraging. Get your chores done each day, don’t wait. Know when the storm is coming; it will pass. The morning’s wiser than the night. Resolve your argument before you sleep (apologize!)一定要仔细倾听—第一次,以及每一次。把事情尽快地、及时地完成。闭上你的嘴;不要呻吟和抱怨。做个有助于别人的人,给予别人鼓励的人。每天做完你的家务,不要等待。知道什么时候风暴会来临;它会过去。早上比晚上更聪明。在睡觉之前解决你们的争论(道歉!)2. Argument is just not worth it
  Most of the time, the argument is just not worth it. Pick your battles carefully.
  Being right will make you proud one moment, but will piss her off. Bad move. Be smart.
  3. Laugh hard
  If you can’t laugh, you’ll die. And if you can, you’ll manage through mundane, profane, the painful and the thrilling.
  4. How’s life? How is your wife?
  One and the same. That’s one cliche both sexes can agree on.
  完全就是一回事。同一个。这是无论男女都会同意的老生常谈 。
  5. It can be like riding on a roller coaster就像坐过山车一样
  How’s married life? The answer can be different any given day. Today is glorious, tomorrow awful. And so what?
  6. Never compare your couple to any other永远不要拿你的伴侣去和别人比较
  This always leads to disaster. Never compare your house, your relationship, your sex life, your wealth or anything else to anyone else’s. That’s the first step to being consumed by fear, jealousy, envy and all the other negative emotions.
  Live your own life. Bring out the best in each other and work on your own couple, per your own standards and expectations.
  7. Instinct and emotion trump pure reason本能和情感胜过纯粹的理性
  This is the hardest thing for some people to learn and then accept. Sometimes, one spouse is often right despite what may seem wrongful reasoning, irrational demands, emotional appeals. Reason alone is not enough and leads you down wrong paths. Sometimes you really have to listen to your spouse and follow his or her requests, then ask the questions later.
  8. Well, do you miss the chase?
  More to the point, if you’ve stopped chasing your wife, you’ve lost a step yourself. If you’ve stopped exciting her with your jokes, actions and ideas, you need fresh material. It’s your job to keep her excited about you and where you’re going together in life.
  Your wife is a different woman every day. Make things exciting by wooing her like you want to win her. Try something new once in a while. The same goes for those of you with husbands!
  9. Doesn’t the sex get bad?
  If you let it, for sure it does. If either of you let things get stale in any part of your relationship—especially this one—it can really bring down the enjoyment factor.
  Here’s a novel idea: separate for a few days each month and don’t touch each other at all. When you’re back in the saddle, it’s gooood.
  10. Patience isn’t a virtue; it’s earned.
  Patience is the only way you can get past all the frustrations that can pile up when you take two people with different personalities, hormones, cultures, languages, worldviews, types of hygiene, ways or organizing lifeand so on and put them together in one house.
  Meditate, pray, take a walk around the block. Play the long game. Do whatever you have to do to be patient with your partner and with yourself. You will prevail over your foibles and get over the silly things that cause you to argue and become frustrated.
  11. Never settle or backslide.
  Once you do, your relationship starts a slow death. Maintain the high standards for yourself you had when you met—and impressed—each other and fell in love.