
   Multitasking is often seen as the mark of the overachiever. The superhero of the office.

  The Problem(s) With Multitasking
  Multitasking causes issues you may not have considered. Here are 7 Reasons to Stop Multitasking Right Now:
  1.It’s not working as well as you think.
  Picture yourself at a social gathering. There are groups of people having other conversations all around you. There may even be some people playing a game in your vicinity. You’re not focusing on them, because you’re focusing on the conversation you’re currently having. That’s because your brain automatically tunes out anything that doesn’t pertain to the task at hand. Even when you’re multitasking, you can only focus on one activity at a time.
  2.It’s a hidden hindrance.
  In most cases, you’re only really capable of doing one thing at a time. Constantly switching your train of thought to bounce between a multitude of tasks is too trying for your attention span to handle. This means everything you’re doing simultaneously will suffer to some degree, as your mind is attempting to conserve resources. “Excellent” can become “good enough” without you even realizing it.
  3.You aren’t working faster.
  You may think you’re saving time by attempting to do several things at once. This is deceptive, and it doesn’t line up with the reality of the matter. By accomplishing many tasks in the same time frame, you’re actually working slower than you would if you were to work all of these projects separately. Devoting your entire attention to one task, completing it, and then moving on to the next thing takes less time, because you’re able to find your “zone.”
  4.Stress levels will soar.
  Think about how accomplished you feel after you complete a task.You’re done! You have a moment to breathe, and you’re confident in your work. When you’re working on five things at the same time, that moment of accomplishment comes further down the list. You won’t be able to see your progress as clearly, and you’ll feel like you’re working for nothing. Don’t place that needless stress on yourself.
  5.You’re saying goodbye to your creativity.
  Creativity comes with time and exploration. When you’re multitasking, you’re trying to take the least amount of time possible to do many things. This means you’re missing the smaller points. When you’re multitasking, you’re only focused on getting things done. You’re not exploring and analyzing what you’re doing. That leads to tons of missed opportunities to enhance your skills.
  6.Nobody is actually good at it.
  Think about using your cellphone behind the wheel. You probably have an idea of how dangerous that is, especially seeing the amount of tragic accidents that occur as a result of texting and driving. That’s a form of multitasking with serious consequences. The majority of people who text and drive believe they can do so safely, when in reality, they’re lying to themselves. You’re probably making the same mistake, but on a less significant level.
  7.Multitasking Isn’t For Serious Work
  Remove multitasking from the serious aspects of your life. If you must multitask, do it in fun ways such as sharing pizza and watching TV show while conversing with your friends. You’ll save some sanity and be happier with your end results.