
   Short-Term Solutions

  Want to decrease your chances of snoring tonight ? Then implement some or all of these strategies every night.
  1. Use a humidifier
  Some folks may be more prone to snoring when the bedroom’s air is dry, because dry air can irritate nose and throat membranes. Using a humidifier will help maintain consistent moisture content in the air, which may relieve snoring brought on by dryness. On a similar note, be sure to stay hydrated.
  2. Open up your nasal passages
  This can be a particularly effective way to stop snoring if you’re suffering from allergies or congestion. Try taking a hot shower before bed or using a neti pot, nasal strips, or a nasal spray in order to open the nasal passages and make it easier to breathe freely.
  3. Switch to a new sleep position
  As anyone who sleeps beside a snorer can tell you, sleeping on the back can often ramp up snoring. The easy fix? Try training yourself to sleep on your side. If you find that you keep rolling onto your back, consider wedging a body pillow behind you . Bonus: Sleeping on your left side can bring additional health benefits.
  4. Avoid alcohol before bed
  This might be tough to implement if you’re a fan of hitting the bars on weekends, but eschewing alcohol for the four or five hours leading up to bedtime can help reduce your chances of snoring. It’s also a good idea to avoid taking muscle relaxants unless absolutely necessary; consult a medical professional if you feel that a given prescription is contributing to your snoring.
  How to Stop Snoring: Long-Term Solutions
  In addition to the short-term strategies outlined above, there are a number of steps you can take to reduce or eliminate snoring over the long term.
  1. Keep your bedroom and bedding clean
  Dust mites and other allergens can hide in unwashed bedding and provoke congestion, thereby increasing the chances that you’ll snore. Make sure to vacuum and dust your living space on a weekly basis, and wash your bedding on a similar timetable.
  2. Exercise
  Regular exercise tones muscles all over the body—including in the throat. That means that throat muscles are less likely to collapse, making it more likely that you’ll be able to breathe freely in your sleep. Exercise may also help with weight loss, thereby reducing snoring that stems from obesity.
  3. Stop smoking
  The smoke from cigarettes has been shown to irritate the throat and nasal passages, thereby provoking congestion and inhibiting air flow. Quit smoking, and you’ll breathe more easily through your nose and throat—making it less likely that you’ll snore.
  4. Practice throat exercises
  There’s some evidence that practicing mouth and throat exercises on a daily basis can strengthen muscles in the respiratory tract.
  If none of these short- or long-term solutions is doing the trick, then it’s time to consult a medical professional. A physician will be able to help you determine the root causes of your snoring, rule out more serious issues like sleep apnea, and identify additional avenues for treatment,such as surgery.