
   Let’s face it, we could all be in great shape if we ate healthier and got more exercise. There are just a couple of problems with this statement: eating healthy isn’t always going to satisfy cravings, and most of us really don’t like to exercise. After all, unless you are into sports, most forms of physical exercise are really quite boring. Well, exercising doesn’t have to be boring. Here are 10 ways that you can make it a whole lot more fun.

  1. Switch Things Up
  Sometimes, the thing that makes exercising so boring is the fact that you get into a rut. You do the same workouts every time you are at the gym, use the same machines, etc. Trydifferent types of workouts, and try to do something different each time you work out. That way, you are not nearly as likely to become bored with exercise .
  2. Exercise Outside
  Often, the environment you exercise in can determine whether or not you are going to tire quickly of the routine. Exercising outdoors is a great way to keep things interesting. The world is your playground, so get out there and enjoy it.
  3. Get A Workout Buddy
  Exercising with a friendis always a lot more fun than exercising alone. And, there is an added bonus: you can encourage each other, which is going to help you both get into better shape even faster.
  4. Watch Television
  They may say that watching television can make someone pack on the pounds, but there is a way around it that can make exercising more interesting. Move your workout gear into the television room. You can watch your favorite shows while working out, making the time go faster.
  5. Get Dancing
  Speaking of music, a great way to stay in shape is to dance. Hip hop dancing is an excellent workout, and it is loads of fun.
  6. Challenge Yourself
  If you have something to work towards, you will find that you enjoy exercising more. Challenge yourself every day. For instance, if you can do 20 sit-ups today, push for 25 tomorrow, and 30 the next day. When you have a challenge to meet, you will be more apt to exercise. Try it!
  7. Eat Healthy
  This may not seem important for working out, but you would be surprised. If you are not getting enough protein, you won’t have the energy to work out. Forget about eating a lot of carbs — the sugar rush only lasts for a short time, and you will run out of energy in the middle of your workouts.
  8. Don’t Do Too Much Too Fast
  Some people think that they can do the toughest workouts right away, and are very disappointed to find out that they aren’t nearly at the fitness level they thought they were. This can be discouraging, and cause you to stop working out. Start out slowly, and work your way up to the more difficult workouts.