好莱坞电影口语模仿秀:《美国丽人》Jobs and Positions(在线收听

American Beauty《美国丽人》

■ 公司裁员,员工被炒,在外企是常事。常事归常事,但情绪还是有的。经理把莱斯特叫进办公室,准备和他谈谈这一令人窘迫的问题。没想到他反告经理贪污,看来这厮是决意不想干了。破罐子破摔,说不准还能得到点好处。这一问一答玄得很,互不相让。一边粗俗直接,一边话锋犀利,措辞严谨。如果哪一天英语口语能达到这个水平层次,那可真是高手。

1. cut corners  走捷径
2. company Master Card  公司信用卡
3. hooker n. 妓女
4. unsubstantiated  a. 没有证据的
5. calm down  冷静,相当于cool off
6. description n.描绘;描述
7. mapping out罗列; 叙述
8. assess v.评估,评价
9. expendable  a. 可牺牲的
10. Les. Lester的缩略形式

Manager: So yeah, I’m sure you’re going to understand our need to 1)cut corners around here.
Lester: Oh, sure, yeah. Times are tight, you got to free up some cash. You gotta spend money to make money right?
Manager: Exactly.
Lester: At the time Mr. Plorner used the 2)company Master Card to pay for that 3)hooker and she used the card numbers and stayed at the St. Regis for what was it like three months?
Manager: That’s 4)unsubstantiated…
Lester: That’s $50,000. That’s somebody’s salary, that somebody’s gonna get fired because Craig has to pay women to fuck him.
Manager: Jesus! I mean 5)calm down. Nobody’s getting fired yet. And that’s why we’re having everyone write out a job 6)description 7)mapping out in detail how they contribute. That way management can 8)assess who’s valuable and…
Lester: …who’s 9)expendable.
Manager: It’s just business.
Lester: I’ve been writing for this magazine for fourteen years, Brad. You’ve been here for how long, a whole month?
Manager: I’m one of the good guys, 10)Les. I’m trying to level with you. This is your one chance to save your job.

经理 :这样说没有证据……
