


A) The woman doesn't want to cook a meal. 

B) The woman wants to have a picnic. 

C) The woman has a poor memory. 

D) The woman likes Mexican food.


A) Everyone enjoyed himself at John's panics. 

B) The woman didn't enjoy John's parties at all. 

C) It will be the first time for the man to attend John's party. 

D) The woman is glad to be invited to John's house-warming party.


A) She lacks confidence in herself. 

B) She is not interested in computer programming. 

C) She has never signed up for any competition before. 

D) She is sure to win the programming contest.


A) The man has an enormous amount of work to do. 

B) The man has made plans for his vacation. 

C) The man'll take work with him on his vacation. 

D) Work stacked up during the man's last vacation.


A) She likes the job of feeding fish. 

B) She finds her new job interesting. 

C) She feels unfit for her new job. 

D) She's not in good health.




W: I'm completely exhausted. Why don't we dine out tonight? I don't remember the last time you took me out for dinner.

M: That is not a bad idea. There is a new Mexican restaurant around the corner. They say it's good.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


M: Shall we go to John's house-warming party this weekend? Everybody is invited.

W: Well, you know what John's party is like. Do you think I will go again?

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


M: The university is going to hold an interesting competition on computer programming. Many of my friends have signed up for it. How about you?

W: Do you think I could ever win anything if I took part in it?

Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the woman?


W: You were being working like a horse. You should take a vacation.

M: Tell that to this stack of papers on my desk.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


M: Hi, Marry. Haven't seen you for ages. How are you doing with your new job?

W: Not so well. I feel like a fish out of water doing that job.

Q: What does the woman mean?
