走进哈佛大学 第13期:哈佛深红报(在线收听

   The Harvard Crimson, the daily student newspaper of Harvard University, is the only daily newspaper in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and is run entirely by Harvard College undergraduates. It is also one of the few college newspapers in the U.S. that owns its own printing presses.

  《哈佛深红报》作为哈佛大学的学生日报,是马萨诸塞州剑桥镇(或称坎布里奇) 唯一的日报》它完全由哈佛大学的学生管理,是美国少有的一家有自己的印刷设备的 大学报刊。
  It was one of many college newspapers founded shortly after the Civil War and describes itself as “the nation’s oldest continuously published daily college newspaper,” although this fact is hotly contested among other college newspapers.
  内战一结束,有很多大学报刊纷纷成立,哈佛深红报就是其中的一家,它以“美 国历史最悠久大学日报”自居,但是其他大学报刊强烈抗议这一评论》
  走进哈佛大学(MP3+中英字幕) 第3期:美国私立大学The newspaper traces its history to the first issue of The Magenta,published January 24, 1873. The paper changed its name to The Crimson in 1875 when Harvard changed its official color by a vote of the student body. But before the official vote by the Harvard Corporation, students’ color of choice had at one point wavered between crimson and magenta. Pulished by popular debate to decide, Harvard undergraduates held a plebiscite on May 6, 1875, on the University^ color, and crimson won by a wide margin. The student newspaper —which had been called The Magenta — changed its name with the very next issue.
  该报社第一期报刊可以追溯到1873年1月24日出版的《品红》。1875年,当哈 佛的官方颜色由学生投票选出时,报纸的名字就改为《深红》了,但在哈佛组织的官 方选举之前,学生们都一度徘徊于是选择深红还是品红。迫于争论,哈佛大学的学生 们在1875年5月6日举行了一次民意表决,选出大学的颜色,深红当选,票数远超品红。 紧接着的一期报刊名就由《品红》改为了《深红》。
  By the 1880s, it had been published every other week. Then in 1880s, The Crimson included more substance, as the paper’s editors were more eager to engage in a quality of journalism like that of muckraking big-city newspapers. It was at this time that the paper moved first from a biweekly to a weekly, and then to a daily in 1883.
  19世纪80年代之前,报刊都是两周出版一次。到了 80年代,因为编辑更渴望挖 掘像大都市报那种专门揭发名人丑闻的新闻,《深红》有了更多的题材。就是在那个 时候,报刊出版由两周一次改为一周一次,到了 1883年就成了一天一次了。
  The paper flourished at the beginning of the twentieth century with the acquisition of its own (and current) building in 1915, the purchase of Harvard Illustrated Magazine and the establishment of the editorial board in 1911.
  The 1930s and 1940s were dark years for The Crimson, due to reduced financial resources and competition from a publication established by ex-editors meant serious challenges to the paper’s viability.
  拜缩减财政和出版社(深红前任编辑成立的,严重威胁了报刊的生存)竞争所赐, 《深红》于20世纪30和40年代陷入低靡时期。
  The paper was administered during the war time by a board of University administrators, alumni, and students.
  The paper went back to its civilian version in 1946,and as the Army and Navy moved out of Harvard, The Crimson grew larger, more financially secure, more diversified, and more aware of the world outside the campus during the early Cold War era than its pre-WWII predecessor had been.
  1946年,陆军和海军撤离哈佛之后,报刊恢复了正常,比起二战前,《深红》在 冷战时期变的更大、更有财政保障、更多元化、更加关注校外的世界。
  The Harvard Crimson, Inc. was incorporated as a nonprofit Massachusetts corporation in 1967; the incorporation was involuntarily revoked, then revived, in 1986.
  1967年,哈佛深红公司成立,这是马萨诸塞州一家非盈利的公司。1986年,该 公司被迫解散,不久后又被重组。
  Now, The Crimson publishes every morning, Monday through Friday, except on federal and University holidays. In addition to the daily newspaper, The Crimson publishes an extended sports section on Mondays; Fifteen Minutes,the weekend magazine of The Crimson on Thursdays; and an arts section on Fridays.
  现在,除了联邦和学校的假日之外,从周一到周五,《深红》每天早上出版刊物。 除了日报外,还有星期一增加的运动版块,星期四出版的周末杂志《一刻钟》,星期 五的艺术版块。