CCTV9英语新闻:Charity Law draft submitted to legislature(在线收听

The national legislature received the country's first bill to regulate charity activities on Wednesday. This move aims to recruit help from society in order to attain the 2020 poverty alleviation goal. Our reporter Han Peng has been following this, and let's talk to him.


Han Peng, what problems is this draft law trying to mend?


In today's NPC session, deputy chief legislator Li Jianguo says that many charity organizations do not have a self-discipline mechanism, such as a proper internal management or a transparent operation under established protocols. In fact, several scandals erupted over the past few years, including the dramatic case of Guo Meimei. This young woman claimed herself to be commercial manager of China's Red Cross Society, and flaunted her luxury goods on social media. Later, both she and the Red Cross denied that she was working for the charity, but that failed to win back public trust to China's Red Cross, because many say that the operation of the charity is not transparent anyway, and proving Guo to be bad does not help prove the charity was clean. So the new draft bill addresses the internal management of charity organizations, the obligation of disclosing information on fund raising and where the money goes. Moreover, there are currently just a very small number of charity organizations are allowed to raise donation from the general public, such as China's Red Cross Society, while the others can only raise fund from a specific group of donors. The bill eases the restriction and expands the pool by allowing more participation from other charities.
