万物简史 第18期:如何营造一个宇宙(10)(在线收听

   What is extraordinary from our point of view is how well it turned out for us. If the universe had formed just a tiny bit differently—if gravity were fractionally stronger or weaker, if the expansion had proceeded just a little more slowly or swiftly—then there might never have been stable elements to make you and me and the ground we stand on. Had gravity been a trifle stronger, the universe itself might have collapsed like a badly erected tent, without precisely the right values to give it the right dimensions and density and component parts. Had it been weaker, however, nothing would have coalesced. The universe would have remained forever a dull, scattered void.

  This is one reason that some experts believe there may have been many other big bangs, perhaps trillions and trillions of them, spread through the mighty span of eternity, and that the reason we exist in this particular one is that this is one we could exist in. As Edward P. Tryon of Columbia University once put it: "In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time." To which adds Guth: "Although the creation of a universe might be very unlikely, Tryon emphasized that no one had counted the failed attempts."有的专家之所以认为也许有好多别的大爆炸,也许有几万亿次大爆炸,分布在无穷无尽的永恒里,这就是原因之一;我们之所以存在于这个特定的宇宙,是因为这个宇宙适合于我们的存在。正如哥伦比亚大学的爱德华?P.特赖恩所说:"要回答它为什么产生了,我的敝见是,我们的宇宙只是那些不时产生的东西之一。"对此,古思补充说:"虽然创建一个宇宙不大可能,但特赖恩强调说,谁也没有统计过失败的次数。"