
 应中华人民共和国主席习近平邀请,俄罗斯联邦总统普京于2014年5月20日对中华人民共和国进行国事访问。两国元首在上海举行了会晤,会后发表中俄联合声明(joint statement)。

  在中俄贸易、投资和借贷中扩大中俄本币直接结算规模;加强宏观经济政策领域交流The two countries will expand local currency settlement for bilateral trade, cross-border investment and financing and will strengthen exchanges for the formulation of macro-economic policies.
  努力推动双边贸易额在2015年前达到1000亿美元、在2020年前达到2000亿美元To increase bilateral trade to 100 billion U.S. dollars by 2015 and 200 billion U.S. dollars by 2020保障双边贸易平衡,优化贸易结构,大力增加相互投资,包括在俄境内建设交通基础设施项目,综合开发矿产资源,建设经济型住房To ensure balanced trade, optimize trade structure and expand mutual investment in fields like transportation infrastructure, mining development, and housing projects in Russia进一步深化石油领域一揽子合作,尽快启动俄对华供应天然气To deepen cooperation in the petroleum industry, kick-start Russia's supply of natural gas to China as soon as possible开展和平利用核能、民用航空、航天基础技术研究、卫星导航和载人航天等领域重点项目的合作To strengthen cooperation in major projects in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, civil aviation, research on basic aerospace technologies, satellite navigation and manned space flight.
  The Eurasian Union, scheduled to be established on January 1, 2015, will help promote regional security and stability and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation.
  The two pledged to strengthen coordination and cooperation under the framework of the APEC and to jointly promote the economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region. Russia will closely work with China to take advantage of the meeting to promote economic integration, reforms and growth and building of transportation infrastructure.