乔布斯传 第52期:热浪滚滚的时代(3)(在线收听

 Brand ran the Whole Earth Truck Store, which began as a roving truck that sold useful tools and educational materials,

and in 1968 he decided to extend its reach with the Whole Earth Catalog.
On its first cover was the famous picture of Earth taken from space; its subtitle was "Access to Tools."
创刊号的封面就是那张著名的从太空拍摄的地球照片,副标题是 “ 通往工具之路”。
The underlying philosophy was that technology could be our friend.
Brand wrote on the first page of the first edition,
"A realm of intimate, personal power is developing--power of the individual to conduct his own education,
find his own inspiration, shape his own environment, and share his adventure with whoever is interested.
Tools that aid this process are sought and promoted by the Whole Earth Catalog."
Buckminster Fuller followed with a poem that began:
"I see God in the instruments and mechanisms that work reliably."
“我在那些可靠的工具和器械中看到了上帝 ……”
Jobs became a Whole Earth fan. He was particularly taken by the final issue, which came out in 1971,
when he was still in high school, and he brought it with him to college and then to the All One Farm.
"On the back cover of their final issue" Jobs recalled,
"was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous.
Beneath it were the words: ‘Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.'"
Brand sees Jobs as one of the purest embodiments of the cultural mix that the catalog sought to celebrate.
"Steve is right at the nexus of the counterculture and technology," he said.
"He got the notion of tools for human use."
Brand's catalog was published with the help of the Portola Institute, a foundation dedicated to the fledgling field of computer education.
The foundation also helped launch the People's Computer Company,
which was not a company at all but a newsletter and organization with the motto "Computer power to the people."
这并不是一家公司,而是一个出版通讯的组织,他们的口号是 “向人民传输计算机的力量”。
There were occasional Wednesday-night potluck dinners, and two of the regulars,
Gordon French and Fred Moore, decided to create a more formal club where news about personal electronics could be shared.
They were energized by the arrival of the January 1975 issue of Popular Mechanics,
他们受到了《大众机械师》杂志 1975年11月刊的启发,
which had on its cover the first personal computer kit, the Altair.
The Altair wasn't much—-just a $495 pile of parts that had to be soldered to a board that would then do little
阿尔泰其实没什么--只是价值 495美元的一堆零部件,还必须被焊接到一块电路板上才能执行非常少的任务,
but for hobbyists and hackers it heralded the dawn of a new era.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen read the magazine and started working on a version of BASIC, an easy-to-use programming language, for the Altair.
It also caught the attention of Jobs and Wozniak.
And when an Altair kit arrived at the People's Computer Company,
it became the centerpiece for the first meeting of the club that French and Moore had decided to launch.
1.extend reach 扩大影响力
例句:The H5N1 avian influenza virus is firmly established among animals in Asia and has begun to extend its reach into Europe.
2.hitchhike on 搭便车
例句:This time I went by bus. I don't hitchhike anymore.
3.Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish 求知若饥,虚心若愚
例句:And I have always wished that for myself, and now, as you graduate to begin a new, I wish that for you. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
4.seek to 试图;设法;力图
例句:When you seek to avoid the truth, you'll put a great amount of effort into a pursuit that will take you backwards.
5.at the nexus of 在连接处
例句:In 25 years designers will be at the nexus of things.