乔布斯传 第78期:被遗弃者(1)(在线收听

 He Who Is Abandoned...

Ever since they had lived together in a cabin during the summer after he graduated from high school, Chrisann Brennan had woven in and out of Jobs's life.
When he returned from India in 1974, they spent time together at Robert Friedland's farm.
"Steve invited me up there, and we were just young and easy and free," she recalled.
"There was an energy there that went to my heart."
When they moved back to Los Altos, their relationship drifted into being, for the most part, merely friendly.
He lived at home and worked at Atari; she had a small apartment and spent a lot of time at Kobun Chino's Zen center.
By early 1975 she had begun a relationship with a mutual friend, Greg Calhoun.
"She was with Greg, but went back to Steve occasionally," according to Elizabeth Holmes.
"That was pretty much the way it was with all of us. We were sort of shifting back and forth; it was the seventies, after all."
Calhoun had been at Reed with Jobs, Friedland, Kottke, and Holmes.
Like the others, he became deeply involved with Eastern spirituality, dropped out of Reed, and found his way to Friedland's farm.
There he moved into an eight-by twenty-foot chicken coop that he converted into a little house by raising it onto cinderblocks and building a sleeping loft inside.
In the spring of 1975 Brennan moved in with him, and the next year they decided to make their own pilgrimage to India.
Jobs advised Calhoun not to take Brennan with him, saying that she would interfere with his spiritual quest, but they went together anyway.
"I was just so impressed by what happened to Steve on his trip to India that I wanted to go there," she said.
Theirs was a serious trip, beginning in March 1976 and lasting almost a year.
At one point they ran out of money, so Calhoun hitchhiked to Iran to teach English in Tehran.
Brennan stayed in India, and when Calhoun's teaching stint was over they hitchhiked to meet each other in the middle, in Afghanistan.
The world was a very different place back then.
After a while their relationship frayed, and they returned from India separately.
By the summer of 1977 Brennan had moved back to Los Altos, where she lived for a while in a tent on the grounds of Kobun Chino's Zen center.
By this time Jobs had moved out of his parents' house and was renting a $600 per month suburban ranch house in Cupertino with Daniel Kottke.
It was an odd scene of free-spirited hippie types living in a tract house they dubbed Rancho Suburbia.
"It was a four-bedroom house, and we occasionally rented one of the bedrooms out to all sorts of crazy people, including a stripper for a while," recalled Jobs.
Kottke couldn't quite figure out why Jobs had not just gotten his own house, which he could have afforded by then.
"I think he just wanted to have a roommate," Kottke speculated.
1.weave in and out 进进出出
例句:Cyclists weave in and out of the traffic.
2.drift into 不知不觉陷入
例句:We drift into certain decisions because other people approve of them.
3.begin a relationship 开始恋爱
例句:How long after you met did you and your partner begin a relationship?
4.shift back and forth 来回转变
例句:Land use will no doubt continue to shift back and forth between agriculture and forestry as well as other uses in the free market.