美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-4-15(在线收听


1. Top U.S health officials spoke at the White House on Monday, saying the more they learn about Zika, the scared the virus appears. They are asking the congress to approve almost $2 billion in funding to fight the mosquitoes that spread it, and for research in the vaccine and treatment. 

2. 5 rockets fired from Syria landed in a Turkish border town on Monday, wounding at least 4 people. Turkey's state-run news agency reported the rocket attack was a province that borders areas in Syria controlled by Islamic state group, Syria Kurdish militia or anti-government Syria rebels. 

3. Enduring demonstrations were held in North Carolina by supporters and opponents of a law that links its protection for the LGBT community. About 500 people gathered in rally to show their support for the law, while about 100 others held the counter protests across the streets. 

4. And police in D.C are looking for a man caught on tape cooking a burger while he was burglarizing a restaurant. Police state security footage from Mar,18th shows the suspect putting food on the grill at Five guys after he broke in. 
