AS IT IS 2016-04-23 North Korea Struggling but Determined on ICBMs(在线收听

AS IT IS 2016-04-23 North Korea Struggling but Determined on ICBMs

A top U.S. military official said North Korea will one day have nuclear-armed missiles capable of reaching all its enemies.

U.S. Army General Vincent Brooks is the commander of the U.S. Pacific Command. He told members of Congress the North Koreans are working to improve their nuclear missile program.

Brooks told the Senate Armed Services Committee, “Over time, I believe we are going to see them acquire [ICBM] capabilities if they are not stopped”

ICBM stands for intercontinental ballistic missile. These missiles can be fired from one continent and land on another.

Brooks did not say when the North Koreans would be able to launch long-range nuclear missiles.

U.S. Senator John McCain asked Brooks about “the immaturity and unpredictability” of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The general said Kim does not like taking advice from top military officials.

Brooks also told lawmakers there is “some evidence” North Korea is getting help from Iran. He said that was “very dangerous for the world, very dangerous for the region.”

General Brooks has been nominated by U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter to lead the U.S. military in South Korea.

Words in This Story

ICBM – n. a type of missile that can fly from one continent to another

immaturity – adj. having or showing a lack of emotional maturity

unpredictability – n. not capable of being known before happening or being done
