【跟着英剧练发音】A Histry Of Britain - 2(在线收听


There are the remains of Stone Age lifedotted all over Britain and Ireland. But nowhere as abundantly as Orkney, withits mounds, graves and above all its great circles of standing stones like hereat Brodgar, vast, imposing and utterly unknowable. But Orkney boasts anotherNeolithic site, that is, in its way, even more impressive than Brodgar, thelast thing you would expect from the Stone Age, a shockingly familiar glimpseof ancient domestic life.Perched on the westerncoast of Orkney's main island, a village called Skara Brae. Here, beneath anarea no bigger than the 18th grade of a golf course lies Europe's most completeNeolithic community, miraculously preserved for 5,000 years under a blanket ofsand and grass until uncovered in 1850 by a ferocious sea storm. This is arecognisable village, neatly fitted into its landscape between the pasture andsea, intimate, domestic and self-sufficient. And although they were technicallystill in the Stone Age in the Neolithic period, these dwellings are not huts,they're true houses, built from the sandstone slabs that lie all around theisland which gave stout protection to the villagers here at Skara Brae, fromtheir biting Orcadian winds.



