世界节假日博览 第97期:国际家庭日(在线收听

 The International Day of the Family is held on May 15 every year. This day celebrates families around the world and highlights their importance. It aims to strengthen the family unit by making family members aware of their responsibilities. The day hopes to raise awareness of equality within families and of sharing domestic duties. It also focuses on how families should encourage employment for all. The day was created by the United Nations General Assembly to support families and encourage them to contribute towards society. There is a different theme each year. In 1996, it was “Families: First Victims of Poverty and Homelessness”. Themes since then have focused on families and education, human rights, development, and disabilities.

The family is the most important unit of society. It is a group of people who share many things in common. These things include a residence and economic cooperation. A family also has one or more children. Some experts say the main function of the family is to continue the human race. Parents usually start a family because of their desire for children and to be happy. Every country has its own culture or cultures. Every culture has a different understanding of what family is. The way people look at families is changing as the world changes. Centuries ago, the extended family was the norm all across the world. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins all lived together. Today, the nuclear family is becoming more common.
家庭是组建社会的最重要单位。家庭成员间共同分享。包括住房,资金。还会养育一个或多名孩子。有专家指出,家庭的主要作用是繁衍生息。通常,组建家庭是为了养育后代,寻求幸福快乐。不同国家的文化习俗各不同。对于不同文化,对家庭的理解也就各不相同。随着时代发展,人们对于家庭的看法也发生了改变。数百年前,大家庭已经成为一种常态。祖父母、叔叔阿姨、堂兄堂弟生活在一起。如今,两代人家庭更为常见。 common 共有的
例句:Electronic computers are now in common use all over the world. 
2.economic cooperation 经济合作
例句:While in the past we stressed aid, now we stress economic cooperation. 
我们过去侧重提供援助, 现在强调经济合作。
3.extended family 大家庭
例句:My grandparents live with us, so we are an extended family. 
4.nuclear family 核心家庭
例句:My cousin is not part of my nuclear family. 