音乐咖啡厅:What if she's an angel - Tommy Shane Steiner(在线收听

There's a man standing on the corner
With a sign sayin "will work for food"
You know the man
You see him every morning
The one you never give your money to
You can sit there with your window rolled up
Wondering when the lights going to turn green
Never knowing what a couple more bucks
In his pocket might mean

What if he's an angel sent here from Heaven
And he's making certain that you're doing your best
To take the time to help one another
Brother, are you going to pass that test
You can go on with your day to day
Trying to forget what you saw in his face
Knowing deep down it could have been his saving grace
What if he's an angel

There's a man
There's a woman
Living right above you in apartment G
There's a lot of noise coming through the ceiling
And it don't sound like harmony
You can sit there with your TV turned up
While the words and his anger fly
Come tomorrow when you see her with her shades on
Can you look her in the eye

What if she's an angel sent here from heaven
And she's making certain that you're doing your best
To take the time to help one another
Brother, are you going to pass that test
You can go on with your day to day
Trying to forget what you saw in her face
Knowing deep down it could have been her saving grace
What if she's an angel

A little girl on daddy's lap
Hiding her disease with a baseball cap
You can turn the channel
Most people do
But what if you were sitting in her daddy's shoes

Maybe she's an angel
Sent here from Heaven
And she's making certain you're doing your best
To take the time to help one another
Brother,are you going to pass that test?
You can go on with your day to day
Trying to forget what you saw in her face
Knowing deep down it could have been her saving grace
What if she's an angel

 Words and phrases

1. roll up: 把(画、帘子)卷起来,由此,roll-up可做形容词——“可卷起的”,例如:roll-up(可卷起的遮帘)

2. buck: 俚语中常用来指代“美元”,例如:make a buck(挣钱);a fast buck(轻易得来的钱,通常指不择手段得来的);in the bucks(手头有钱)

3. deep down: 内心深处(这个词其实被我们天天挂在口边,例如:“你心里很清楚,很明白……”就可以表达为“You know deep down that……”

4. his anger fly: 如果想形容“暴怒;怒火中烧”,这句很贴切,也很口语化

5. saving grace: 上帝的恩典,以此拯救堕落灵魂,例如:He thanked Providence for the savaing grace that had prevented him from utter degradation.(他感谢上帝给了他一次机会,使他免于彻底堕落。)

在歌中,saving grace指“帮助‘他’是天使特意赐予你与人为善的机会”

6. if you were sitting in her daddy's shoes: 我们常说的“换位思考”就可以用词组to sit in others' shoes来表达。
