美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-5-12(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. Canadian officials say cooler weather over the next few days could help firefighters battle the massive blaze in northern Alberta. One member of parliament says about 80% of the homes in the evacuated city Fort McMurray are still standing. 

2. North Korea kick-out a BBC journalist just days after detaining him. Rupert Wingfield-Hayes was accused of insulting the communist country's dignity. 

3. Tornadoes hit Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska on Sunday but no injuries or major damages are reported. A serious of tornadoes did damage in eastern Colorado over the weekend. 

4. A cruise ship docked in Portland, Maine headed back out to sea,  ever though there maybe a norovirus outbreak on board. Federal health officials say about a quarter of the passengers have gotten sick since the cruise began last month. 

Sandy Kozel, the associated press, with AP news minute.
