
 Saudi Arabia’s new energy minister rallied Opec support for maintaining production on Thursday, as a near-doubling of crude prices since January eased tensions among oil exporters.

Khalid Al Falih said the 13-member group should “encourage the rebalancing” of the market as prices recover from the worst crash in more than a decade.
哈立德?法力赫(Khalid Al Falih)表示,随着油价从10多年来最严重暴跌回升,拥有13个成员国的欧佩克应“鼓励市场再平衡”。
But he told reporters at the Opec meeting in Vienna that it was “premature” to try and restrict output, as demanded by some of the hardest hit exporters, when production growth was already declining and demand was responding to lower prices.
“We feel the market is rebalancing as we speak,” Mr Falih said, adding Riyadh wanted “to work collaboratively?.?.?.[to] steward the market back to equilibrium”.
Weaker Opec members, such as Nigeria and Venezuela, had called for more robust co-ordinated action to boost the price further as they face economic and political crises. But even they seemed content to put on a largely united front for the group.
Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu, Nigeria’s oil minister, reflected the mood of the meeting, saying: “The market is doing good.”
尼日利亚石油部长艾玛努尔?伊比?卡其库(Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu)在谈到此次会议的情绪时表示:“市场表现不错。”
Brent, the international benchmark, has soared 80 per cent since touching a low for the year in late January. It hovered around $50 a barrel on Thursday.
West Texas Intermediate, the US benchmark that has soared almost 90 per cent since its low for the year, was trading just above $49.
美国原油基准西得克萨斯中质原油(West Texas Intermediate)价格已较今年最低点飙升近90%,昨日位于每桶略超过49美元的水平。