VOA常速英语2016--英国公投脱离欧盟 众多隐患危机四伏(在线收听

英国公投脱离欧盟 众多隐患危机四伏

The Washington-based Pew Research Center interviewed 10,000 people across Europe. Theiranswers showed that skepticism about the EU was not confined to Britain. France viewed thebloc even more unfavorably than its neighbor across the English Channel, with just 38 percentof people having a positive opinion of the EU, compared with 69 percent in 2004. In Spain,approval of the EU has fallen from 80 percent to 47 percent. Tim Oliver of the London Schoolof Economics said a British vote to leave the EU could lead to demands for similar referendumsacross the continent. “However, whether or not they’ll succeed depends on, one, what happensto the UK. If the UK struggles, then that sets quite a powerful message to the rest of theEuropean Union." And secondly, it depends on what happens in the Eurozone, it depends whathappens in Schengen, it depends what happens with Russia. The European Union faces severalcrises at the moment, and Britain is one of them.” Oliver added that a British divorce from theEU likely would be lengthy and bitter. For the rest of the EU, “there has to be an economiccost" to the United Kingdom if it leaves the bloc, he said. "The UK can’t withdraw and not feelany punishment, any costs and so forth, and get a new relationship with the EU, or else thatmight encourage other member states to do the same thing.”

Refugee crisis

Pew researchers said much of the disapproval of the EU is related to its handling of therefugee crisis. More than 1 million migrants arrived in Greece in 2015; disapproval of Brussels’migrant policies there runs at 94 percent. A simultaneous so-called Brexit crisis could pushEurope to the brink. “They haven’t solved each crisis, they’ve just managed to cope and moveon, and hope they’ll find a solution later on. If several crises align at the same time, that putsthe EU in uncharted territory, and that is quite dangerous.” In a speech Wednesday, formerBritish Foreign Secretary William Hague warned that a British exit could sow wider division. “Ifwe lift our eyes from our local concerns to the challenges coming our way within this continentand beyond it, then the risks of leaving are too great," Hague said at analyst group ChathamHouse. "Above all, the danger of a fractured, divided and weakened West is one we must do ourutmost to avoid.” And with disapproval of the EU growing across the continent, analysts saya British exit could have much wider consequences for Europe and beyond.




