听一分钟英文:Five Senses-五种感官(在线收听

We only have five senses. I wonder why. It doesn't seem a lot. We have the senses of smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing. Many people say they have a sixth sense. That's when you can sense things are happening that other people can't. Perhaps you can see into the future or talk to dead people. I'm not so sure this is a real sense. Of all our senses, I think the sense of sight is the most important. It's the most beautiful sense. I can't imagine not being able to see colours, or my children's happy, laughing faces as they grow up. I'm not sure about my next favourite sense. Is it taste or is it hearing? What would I miss most, tasting ice cream or listening to music? That's a difficult one. I wonder if this is the same for everyone.
