
Are you a snacker? Can you survive between meals without a snack? I’m terrible. I just cannot stop snacking – all day long. I know it’s bad for me, but snacks are just so delicious. I have different snacks at different times of the day. In the mornings, I need energy, so I snack a lot on chocolate and chocolaty snacks. In the evenings, I’m more in the mood for something salty or savory. I love potato chips (or crisps), especially Pringles. I also cannot stop eating nuts. I have a passion for cashews, macadamia nuts and dry-roasted peanuts. Luckily, I don’t seem to put on any weight, even though I eat snacks all day. I reckon it’s not so good for me. I’ll wait until I’m a little older and then cut down on the amount of snacks I eat.
