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 China vs. Philippinesin South China Sea: The Only Thing You Need to Know

Manila can sue Beijing all it wants, but in the end it seemsChinese leaders already know how they will respond. . .
In just a few weeks the Permanent Court of Arbitration in TheHague will render its verdict in a case filed by the Philippines to challengeChina’s longstanding maritime claims in the South China Sea. While the resultof that arbitration remains unknown, Beijing has already telegraphed how itwill react should the court rule in Manila’s favor.
For months now, Chinese officials have made Beijing’s casefor rejecting the tribunal’s legal authority in the matter while characterizingManila’s gambit as “irresponsibly frivolous.” The Chinese foreign ministry hasalready questioned the court’s authority and is boycotting the entire process,which it has derided as an “orchestrated performance.” As legal scholar JeromeCohen noted in a recent article, both the Chinese Society ofInternational Law and the All China Lawyers Association have issued “dutifulsupporting arguments” in favor of snubbing the process.
More important to understanding Beijing’s mind-set on thematter is the fact that even if the court had had the authority to rule in thecase and the powers to enforce its decision, it is highly unlikely that Beijingwould have been any more inclined to accede. The reason behind this is directlyrelated to the historical narrative of “national humiliation” and the beliefthat as a product of Western imperialism, global institutions and the legalarchitecture of international law are little more than mechanisms to maintain askewed distribution of power. In other words, a ruling by an internationalcourt against Beijing would have provided more “evidence” that the West, alongwith its allies in East Asia, are conspiring to keep China in a state ofsubjugation. As Zheng Wang demonstrates in his book Never Forget National Humiliation, the victimization narrative wields a powerfulinfluence on decisionmaking in Beijing and public support for its doggedresponse to the perceived affront. A survey conducted in 2013 by Andrew Chubbalso shows that 83 percent of Chinese respondents regarded the South China Seadispute as a continuation of theso-called “century of humiliation.”
Having attained a certain level of respectability ininternational relations, Beijing is no longer a “status quo” power. Ittherefore has less compunction in seeking to undermine or reconfigure globalinstitutions when it sees fit, to “reorder the world” so as to better align thesystem with the new norms created by China’s reemergence as a majorcivilizational power.
The fate of the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s ruling isalready sealed. Appealing to international law may have been a good idea onpaper, but from the outset it had no chance of having any impact on thedispute.