上诉被驳回 俄罗斯田径队无缘里约奥运会(在线收听

   Sports Court Upholds Ban on Russian Track and Field Athletes

  An appeals court on Thursday upheld the ban on Russia’s track and field team from the Rio Olympics, empowering sports organizations to discipline other Russian teams after revelations of a government-run doping scheme.
  The International Association of Athletics Federations, track and field’s global governing body, had barred Russia’s team from competing in Rio de Janeiro because of an elaborate cheating plot, which investigators confirmed with forensic evidence and computer records this week. The Court of Arbitration for Sport, the final arbiter on global sports disputes, to which Russia had appealed, said that the organization’s penalty was legally sound.
  由于一场精心策划的作弊计划,田径赛事的全球性管理机构国际田径联合会(International Association of Athletics Federations)此前禁止了俄罗斯田径队参加里约热内卢奥运会。本周,调查人员凭借法律证据和计算机记录证实了该计划。俄罗斯向全球体育纠纷的最终仲裁机构体育仲裁法庭(Court of Arbitration for Sport)上诉,但后者称国际田联的处罚在法律上合理。
  With just over two weeks until the opening ceremony in Rio, the International Olympic Committee had deferred the decision of whether to take aggressive measures to individual sports federations like the IAAF. After detailed proof of state-sponsored cheating was produced in a report by the World Anti-Doping Agency this week, Olympic officials said they would “explore legal options,” but they also indicated that they would await the arbitration court’s decision before taking action.
  再过两周多一点,奥运会便将在里约开幕。国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)决定将决定权交给像国际田联这样的个别体育联合会。本周,世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency)在一份报告中提出了详细的证据,证明俄罗斯存在国家支持的作弊。之后,国际奥委会官员表示将“研究法律选择”,但他们也表示会等候仲裁法院的裁决,然后再采取行动。
  Thursday’s ruling, affirming the track and field organization’s authority over a nation’s participation in the Olympics, enables the IOC to pass responsibility for the Russian doping crisis to the 28 individual sports federations that participate in the Summer Games. Olympic officials are set to convene on Sunday to discuss the matter.
  Among the possible options ahead: Olympic officials could call on the other individual sports federations — from gymnastics to weight lifting — to follow the IAAF’s lead and engage in a case-by-case review of Russian athletes registered to compete in Rio. Or they could institute a blanket ban of the Russian Federation.
  In response to Thursday’s decision, Sebastian Coe, head of the track and field organization, said that while he was “thankful” the ban had been upheld, he was not celebrating. “I didn’t come into this sport to stop athletes from competing,” he said in a statement.
  对于周四的裁决,国际田联主席塞巴斯蒂安·科(Sebastian Coe)表示,尽管对禁令决定得以维持感到“欣慰”,但他没有心情庆祝。“阻止运动员参加比赛,并非我参与这项工作的初衷,”他在一份声明中说。
  The appeals court said that because of the urgent nature of the case, it was issuing only its verdict, which was unanimous. Its full decision, including the grounds for the verdict, will be issued as soon as possible, it said.