乔布斯传 第184期:出埃及记(4)(在线收听

   Wozniak wanted to make the parting amicable. It was his style.

  So he agreed to stay on as a part-time Apple employee at a $20,000 salary and represent the company at events and trade shows.
  That could have been a graceful way to drift apart. But Jobs could not leave well enough alone.
  One Saturday, a few weeks after they had visited Washington together,在华盛顿领奖几周后的一个周六,
  Jobs went to the new Palo Alto studios of Hartmut Esslinger,乔布斯前往哈特穆特·艾斯林格在帕洛奥图的新工作室,whose company frogdesign had moved there to handle its design work for Apple.
  There he happened to see sketches that the firm had made for Wozniak's new remote control device, and he flew into a rage.
  Apple had a clause in its contract that gave it the right苹果公司同青蛙设计公司的合同中有一条写着,to bar frogdesign from working on other computer-related projects, and Jobs invoked it.
  "I informed them," he recalled, "that working with Woz wouldn't be acceptable to us."“我通知他们,”乔布斯回忆说,“我们不能接受他们做沃兹的项目。”
  When the Wall Street Journal heard what happened,《华尔街日报》得知此事后,
  it got in touch with Wozniak, who, as usual, was open and honest.
  He said that Jobs was punishing him. "Steve Jobs has a hate for me,他说乔布斯在惩罚他。“史蒂夫·乔布斯恨我,probably because of the things I said about Apple," he told the reporter.
  Jobs's action was remarkably petty, but it was also partly caused by the fact that he understood,乔布斯这种行为显得很小气,但他之所以如此,部分原因是他知道in ways that others did not, that the look and style of a product served to brand it.
  双语有声读物 乔布斯传
  A device that had Wozniak's name on it and used the same design language as Apple's products如果沃兹尼亚克的设备和苹果公司的产品使用同一种设计语言,might be mistaken for something that Apple had produced.
  "It's not personal," Jobs told the newspaper,“这并非私人恩怨。”乔布斯告诉《华尔街日报》,explaining that he wanted to make sure that Wozniak's remote wouldn't look like something made by Apple.
  "We don't want to see our design language used on other products. Woz has to find his own resources.
  He can't leverage off Apple's resources; we can't treat him specially."他不能利用苹果的资源,我们不能对他特殊对待。”
  Jobs volunteered to pay for the work that frogdesign had already done for Wozniak,至于青蛙设计公司已经为沃兹尼亚克做了的东西,乔布斯表示愿意个人支付这笔费用。
  but even so the executives at the firm were taken aback.
  When Jobs demanded that they send him the drawings done for Wozniak or destroy them, they refused.
  Jobs had to send them a letter invoking Apple's contractual right.
  Herbert Pfeifer, the design director of the firm,青蛙设计公司的设计总监赫伯特·法伊弗
  risked Jobs's wrath by publicly dismissing his claim that the dispute with Wozniak was not personal.
  "It's a power play," Pfeifer told the Journal. "They have personal problems between them."“他这是仗势欺人,”法伊弗对《华尔街日报》说,“他们之间有私人问题。”
  Hertzfeld was outraged when he heard what Jobs had done.
  He lived about twelve blocks from Jobs, who sometimes would drop by on his walks.
  "I got so furious about the Wozniak remote episode that when Steve next came over,“我对于沃兹尼亚克遥控器的事非常气愤,以至于乔布斯后来到我家来,I wouldn't let him in the house," Hertzfeld recalled.
  "He knew he was wrong, but he tried to rationalize, and maybe in his distorted reality he was able to."“他知道自己错了,但是试图把自己的所作所为合理化,也许在他自己的现实扭曲力场里,他能做得到。”
  Wozniak, always a teddy bear even when annoyed, hired another design firm and even agreed to stay on Apple's retainer as a spokesman.