英语悠选脱口秀 第65期:早晨不起晚上不睡星人(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Lifestyle
  Lifestyle 生活方式
  The lifestyle of a particular person or group of people is the living conditions, behavior, and habits that are typical or are chosen by them.
  Here is an example:
  Your choice of lifestyle is none of my business.
  Talking about lifestyle, there are two kinds of people in this world. Morning Bird VS Night Owl 晨起型和晚睡型在晨起型的人中, There are those hyperproductive(富有成效的) types who get an obnoxious(讨厌的) amount of stuff done first thing in the morning. 在其他人还在纠结要不要多睡5分钟的时候, They’ve already worked out, showered, made a (Probably Healthy) breakfast, updated all their social media and are fully prepared to go out! 对于爱睡懒觉的人来说,it’s unbelievable!
  而晚睡型的人呢? There are the night owls who are up until all hours of the morning. Their evening — whether they’re going out to party or staying in to play with their smartphones — starts at like 9 p.m. 这种晚上不睡,早上不起的人对于morning birds 来说也是无法直视哒。
  But each group is usually pretty sure that their lifestyle is the best. 作为晨起界的楷模,我们小编Jane表示 People! We are not lucky enough to be vampires. So it is better for us to follow the laws of nature.
  Mornings are the best time to get things done. The nighttime is dark and cold, 不适合人类活动。 而我,作为晚睡界的三好学生必须为我族人争辩一下: The evening is the only time when you can sit down with your friends to have a good old chat about something. Or maybe curl up next to a lamp and start that book you’ve been wanting to read for ages. Just think about how good that would be! So tell us: Areyou a morning bird or a night owl?