英语悠选脱口秀 第67期:最洋气的秋裤(在线收听


  Today's key word is Leggings
  Leggings 秋裤
  It is cold outside. Did you wear 秋裤 or long johns?
  So what are leggings? They are skin-tight garment that covers the legs and may be worn by both men and women.
  Personally, I think leggings are one of the best things those designers did in the past 100 years! It can be a 24/7 all seasons wearable garment.
  看看各种超模穿leggings出街的频率,你就知道它又多么火了。If you are going to have a sweet date with your boyfriend. 那么,一条小短裙,搭配可爱图案的leggings会让可爱度爆棚哦。
  A long Military Coat with leggings and a pair of boots make you warm and cool.要想让腿显得比长更长, longer than longer, 还可以搭配跟你的leggings 同色系的ankle boots(及踝靴)。
  一件舒适的Leggings搭配短版上衣,再加上帅气的皮外套打造帅气感。但如果,你觉的自己的腿不太完美,Then dark color leggings are your best friends. And also 有竖条纹的leggings也能在视觉上拉长双腿哦。
  Last but not least, the former French King Louis XIV was also a fan of leggings. 某位君王貌似也是紧身裤的粉丝呢 !亲们,有谁是leggings粉吗? 留言告诉我们吧。
  See you next time!