英语悠选脱口秀 第74期:美第一夫人唱嘻哈(在线收听


  Today’s key word is FLOTUS
  FLOTUS 美国第一夫人
  Frist Lady Of The United States. A YO listeners, (用嘻哈方式说)Today, we are going to talk about one of the coolest first ladies in the world The first lady of the United States---Michelle Obama.
  Her rapper name is FLOTUS.(soundbites1/go to college/MS. obama)“South Side Chicago, we all know, we had to do overtime every night to make it tomorrow.”
  现在听到的这段cool rap 就是美国第一夫人唱的哦。
  Michelle Obama teamed up with "Saturday Night Live" star Jay Pharoah created this rap video to rap about why kids should go to college. And the video is filmed throughout the White House, as FLOTUS sings and raps with Pharoah.为了鼓励美国熊孩子上学,第一夫人也是拼了。
  我们就一起来看看flotus 唱了点什么?(soundbites2/go to college)“If you want to fly jet(开飞机) You should go to college Reach high and cash checks(兑现支票)Fill your head with knowledge If you want to wet your pant(嘘嘘裤子)Don’t go to college But for everything else You should go to college You should study engineering(工程)They be building robots Build bridges Commute (通勤)You can get your walk on Be a math major(数学专业)Hop a moon carter(月球车)Be an astronaut (宇航员)Be up in the sky like Vader(维达—星球大战黑武士)Finance isn’t science (Finance金融;Science 科学)But you still need a degree(学位)Archaeology (考古学) Astronaut (宇航员)But not Astrology(占星术)NO NO NONONONO (FLOTUS on the track) South Side Chicago, we all know, we had to do overtime every night to make it tomorrow. And everyone could really make their dream true. Hey kid,listen in Michigan that could be you (第一次约会地点在密歇根州的芝加哥艺术学院) But a dream is just a dream Unless you go hard Here is a flow chart(流程图) Naturally, it won’t happen magically(神奇地) But you can change fantasy into reality so dramatically(戏剧性地) Wanna fight crime You should go to college If you want to write rhymes(韵;押韵) Fill your head with knowledge If you want to stare at grass Don’t go to college But for everything else You should go to college”
  Now what do you think? Isn’t it a really cool song? And Good luck getting that song out of your head.
  这个MV发出来后,油管上的点击量,那是蹭蹭的往上涨 It has also inspired a trending Twitter hashtag, #FlotusBars, with users coming up with their own rhymes.
  有没有哪位童鞋帮忙填一下空,或者写一段属于自己的rap呢LIKE THIS:“If you want to You should join ayo english Learn word and speak English Fill your head with topics If you want to Don’t join ayoenglish But for everything else You should join ayoenglishLeave your rhymes here, or send it to our wechat account.
  AYO Listeaner, Peace out!