英语悠选脱口秀 第75期:任务(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Mission
  Mission 任务;使命
  A mission is an important task (任务)that people are given to do.
  Here is an example:
  A classic line Tom Cruise said in the movie“Mission impossible” is Mission accomplished!
  And the mission we are going to talk about today is not as dangerous as the one Tom Cruise took on in the movie. It’s a feel good mission. 任务代号: Operation Christmas Drop话说,在1952年,有一个美国空军飞行员在关岛驻扎。One day, he noticed residents on a small Micronesian island waving at them.每当他们飞过密克罗尼西亚岛上空时,岛上的居民都会向飞机招手。这位空军士兵和他的战友们就猜想岛上的居民可能需要帮助吧。Then, the crew gathered items from the plane and dropped them with a parachute(降落伞).
  Every year, the U.S. air force drops food and toys on those remote(遥远的) islands during the Christmas season. This year, Australia and Japan have joined the mission for the first time. The packages(包裹) they dropped on the island can support around 20,000 people across 56 islands in Micronesia, the Mariana Islands and Palau(帕劳). 美国这是既送了温暖,有加强了和澳日小伙伴的关系。
  Anyway, Christmas is coming. Even though you may think that Christmas is a festival from western countries, it is still a good opportunity to spend some time with your loved ones and family.
  Do you have any plans for Christmas Eve? You can share your plans for Christmas with us on Wechat. Search for A Y O English.
  Talk to you next time!