
克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·基什内尔(Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner),阿根廷律师、政治家,曾任阿根廷总统。克里斯蒂娜的丈夫为已去世的阿根廷前总统、南美洲国家联盟首任秘书长内斯托尔·卡洛斯·基什内尔。[1] 
克里斯蒂娜是阿根廷继伊莎贝尔·庇隆之后的第二位女性总统,也是阿根廷第一位由民主选举产生的女总统。克里斯蒂娜也是南美洲的第二位民选女总统,现任智利总统巴切莱特是第一位南美洲民选女性总统。[2]  2011年10月23日,克里斯蒂娜以绝对优势获胜,赢得连任,2015年12月卸任。
2015年2月13日,因涉嫌妨碍20年前首都布宜诺斯艾利斯犹太社区爆炸案司法调查,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜 基什内尔遭到正式起诉。检方强调,此案的调查进程不会因上个月原负责检察官离奇死亡一事而受阻
Cristina Kirchner (born February 19, 1953) is an Argentine lawyer and the current President of Argentina. She is the wife of former President Nestor Kirchner. Before she became president, she was a Senator for Buenos Aires and First Lady during her husband's term. She swept to power in October 2007. She crushed the other candidates, with a 22% lead over her nearest rival.
Kirchner briefly started out in politics in the 1970s. However, due to the authoritarian rule in her country, she dropped out to practice law. She re-entered politics in the late 1980s and in 1995, she became a senator. She was a guiding light behind her husband’s successful presidential campaign in 2003. She gained a reputation for being a strong speaker and won many admirers.
Kirchner is Argentina's second female president. She is the first wife in any country’s history to be elected to succeed her husband as leader. She is often compared to Eva ‘Evita’ Peron but always rejects the comparisons. She once said the only similarity is "the hair in a bun and the clenched fist before a microphone".
Kirchner immediately faced some mighty challenges upon taking power. She had to tackle high inflation, unions demanding higher salaries, corruption, and a credit crisis. She introduced some very unpopular taxes and her popularity nosedived. A poll taken in April 2008 showed her disapproval rating was at 61.8%. She needs to dig deep to turn around her country’s economy and her own political fortunes.