美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-7-27(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1.  With the democratic convention set to kickoff in Philadelphia Monday, the website Wikileaks published some 19,000 emails, suggesting that some top DNC officials played favorites during the primary. Hillary Clinton's camp blamed Russia for the leaks. 

2. The International Olympic Committee has decided against a complete ban on Russian athletes from the Olympic in Rio De Janeiro. THe IOC says it is leaving it up to global federations to decide which Russian athletes to accept in the sports. 

3. Thousands of California homes have been evacuated as two massive wild fires continue to spread. Firefighters have been trying to beat back a blaze since Friday, that has blackened more than 34 square miles of brush on ridge line near the city of Santa Clarita. 

4. And Florida officials hoped that a former tanker sunk off the state's southern coast will become a major scuba diving attraction. Lady Luck is the newest centerpiece of shipwreck park, a series of underwater dive wrecks. 

Kelly Daschle, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
