
   Reasonable prices 合理价位

  A: We're thinking of ordering fifty refrigerator. But there's one problem.
  B: What's that? I thought our negotiation went very well.
  A: The only problem is the price. It's not possible for us to make any sales at this price.
  B: $ 1500 is almost the lowest price we can offer.
  A: I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. Your price is much higher than other companies.
  B: You get what you pay for, considering the high quality, our price is very reasonable.
  A: I don’t deny that the refrigerator is of top quality. If you could go a little lower, we'll place the order right away.
  B: Sorry, I can't give you an immediate answer for this problem, let me make talk to our general manager first.
  A: All right, we'll wait for your answer.
  1. refrigerator:电冰箱,我们还可以说fridge。
  例句:A refrigerator was then a luxury. 那时候冰箱是种奢侈品。
  2. place the order 定购;订购
  place an order for sth. with sb. 向某人订购某物例句:I'd like to place an order for some tea with you. 我想从贵公司订购一些茶叶。
  A: 我们正在考虑订购50台冰箱,但有个问题。
  B: 什么问题啊?我原以为我们的谈判进行得很顺利呢。
  A: 唯一的问题就是价格问题。我们无法以这种价格销售。
  B: 1500美元大概是我们能出的最低价格。
  A: 恐怕我不能同意你们的价格。你方的价格比其他公司的价格高。
  B: 一分钱一分货,鉴于产品的高质量,我们的价格非常合理。
  A: 我并不否认你们的电冰箱质量上乘。如果你们能降低一点价格,我们马上下订单。
  B: 不好意思啊,这个问题我没法立刻给您答复,我得请示一下总经理。
  A: 好的,我们等你的答复。