
   Abrupt appointment

  A: Good morning! May I help you?
  B: Good morning! Is Mr. Smith in? I'm Cheng Jun form China National Petroleum Corporation. I'd like to see him.
  A: Do you have an appointment with Mr. Smith?
  B: Amm. No. I have an urgency to talk with him.
  A: Wait a moment, please. I'll tell his secretary that you are here.
  B: Thank you.
  A: I'm sorry. He is holding a meeting till ten o'clock.
  B: It's nine o'clock now. And I wait for him.
  “appointment”与“date”的意思都是“约会”,但是含义不同。“appointment”常用于商务会谈中,是比较正式的预约;而“date”仅指一般性的约会。比如:He has an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. 今天下午他和医生有个约会。 He dated his girlfriend on Sunday. 他和他的女朋友在周日有约会。
  A: 早上好!有什么为您效劳的吗?
  B: 早上好!请问史密斯先生在吗?我事中石油的程军,我想见他。
  A: 您和史密斯先生有预约吗?
  B: 没有,我有紧急事情要和他谈谈。
  A: 请等一下。我告诉他的秘书你来了。
  B: 谢谢。
  A: 抱歉,史密斯先生正在开会,得到十点会议才结束。
  B: 现在是九点,我等他好了。