英语悠选脱口秀 第81期:提高工作效率的六个方法(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Efficiency
  Efficiency 效率
  Efficiency is the quality(质量) of being able to do a task(任务) successfully, without wasting(浪费) time or energy.
  Here is an example:
  Here are some ways to help you improve efficiency at work.
  俗话说,天下武功唯快不破。在新的一年怎么样能更好的快速有效的工作学习呢。Today, we will give you some tips about this used by me and SJ.
  No.1 Do the most important thing first. 到办公室,或者学校之后,先完成最重要的必须要做到事情。For example, the first thing SJ did in the morning was write the script for ayoenglish. According to our experiences, it is difficult to concentrate after 5 to 6 hours of work and study. 所以列出一天要完成的任务也不错的选择。It is easier when you can see the tasks in a list. So 开始一天的工作时,先把最重要的事情作完才安心,效率也会更高。
  No.2 Plan something fun after work as a motivation if possible. 娱乐激励,计划一下做完手头工作后就可以去看个电影或者与朋友小聚。If you want to finish everything by 5pm. Then set up a dinner plan with friends at 6pm or buy a movie ticket. External forces may motivate you to get things done within the time you have. 酱就有了动力。不逼自己一下永远不知道自己有多强大啊No.3 Find your zone. 每个人都有自己做事情的习惯和节奏。Therefore, it is important to find yourown flow and zone. 你肯定经历过这样一种情况,当你特别投入的干某件事情的时候,你周围发生了什么,你会全然不觉。It called in the zone. When you are so focused(集中) on one thing, you are in the zone. Anything else out of the zone will be ignored(忽略) by you. 所以,要想一想在什么情况下更容易进入自己的zone.
  Some people find it is easier to be in the zone at night, others think morning is the best time to be in the zone. It totally depends on yourself.
  No.4 Plan one or two short breaks during the long hours of work if you are too exhausted如果是一整下午的繁重的工作,不妨在中间休息一两次,每次三到五分钟。During the short breaks you can enjoy a cupof coffee, do some exercises or chat with your friends. Probably you can be better inspired rather than simply sitting there still for hours and achieving nothing. 利用这个时间去喝点东西,运动一下,或者与周围人聊聊天。总比一直坐在那里好久缺效率很低要强的多哦。这样放松一下精神说不定就会得到更多灵感。
  No.5 Follow the "two-minute rule."When I was in the college, I read a rulecalled “2 minutes rule”.忘记是谁说的了,但大概是这样的:If you see a task that you know can be done in two minutes or less, do it immediately. 不要想着这个事简单,一会儿有空就做。NO.既然简单,很快就能完成,Why not complete it right away. 完成了以后,还能增加任务完成的成就感。
  最后,也是最重要滴。Keep your phone away.离手机远点,离手机远点,一定要离手机远点。重要的事情说三遍。
  Smartphones are our best friends nowadays. However, they are not always good friends. Keep them away, when you want to focus on your tasks. 不然,手机一拿出来,几个小时就不见了。当然,听英语悠选的节目时,是可以拿出来的。
  See you next time.