英语悠选脱口秀 第85期:他其实没那么喜欢你(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Alone
  Alone 孤独地,孤单的
  When you are alone, you are not with any other people.
  Here is an example:
  If you live alone, sometimes you have to learn, little by little, to cope with loneliness.
  But if you listen to this episode, you don’t need to be alone.大家应该都看过or听过一部电影,他其实没那么喜欢你,He is just not that into you,Yes, sometimes there is no other reason. He is just not that into you.那么,怎么才能避免尴尬,分辨一个男孩到底喜不喜欢你呢?
  Here are some signs:
  1.If a guy doesn’t talk to you first, he probably doesn’t like you. Girls, ladies, if you always have to call him, text him or wechat him first, it is not a good sign. If he is not trying to talk to you, I am sorry, he doesn’t like you. He may like you as a friend, but2.If you finally got the courage to ask a guy out or ask him to do something. 然而这个男生特别礼貌的告诉你,我很忙,改天吧。Sure, maybe he is actually busy at the moment.但如果问了几次他都很忙,I’m sorry he is just not that into you. Because if he really likes you, he will drop anything and everything to hang out with you.
  3.Another sign is that he doesn’t like to touch you. 总是避免和你有自然的身体接触。If he is keeping his distance, it is not a good sign. Come on! No guy wants to keep his distance from the girl he likes. If he does that, either he doesn’t like you or he is a gay.
  4.If he is calling you “man” “dude” or 兄弟,哥们之类的特别具有男子气质的别名。You may already be in his friend zone.So stop thinking about being his girlfriend you are now officially a bro-friend.
  5.If you like a guy and he likes you back, he will not flirt(调戏?) with other girls at least not in front of you. 如果你正跟他说话呢,他突然:OH 那个美女身材好好啊,Girl, he doesn't like you, he likes her.
  Finally, one important sign from the film ”He is just not that into you.”Have you ever stared at your phone during your first date with a guy? 跟某个心仪的男生见面后,回家后去厕所拿着手机,洗澡拿着手机,做饭拿着手机,看电视拿着手机,睡觉前,睡醒后都要先看手机,还自己给自己打电话,怕手机欠费。在心里默默的给他找理由,他可能在忙,可能受伤住院了,可能不小心把你的号码丢了正在疯狂的找你的联系方式。
  You tell yourself “he is totally going to call me” No, he is not!